Is Skateboarding Relaxing? Does It Relieve Stress And Make You Happy?

Skateboarding often comes with a wide variety of opinions, beliefs, and even risks.

On the brighter side of things, skateboarding can be an absolutely relaxing experience.

If you’ve ever watched a skateboarding highlight reel then you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about. Skating through a beautiful city with accompanying music, the sun-setting in the background, and landing all of the difficult tricks.

Talk about a breathtaking experience.

However, you might not be sure about how you can actually relax when skateboarding. Let’s first talk about that, as there are quite a few tips that are beneficial to beginning skateboarders.

How Do You Relax When Skateboarding?

how do you relax when skateboarding

If you’d love to try out skateboarding or want to improve your fear of skateboarding, there are few ways to make you feel more relaxed when skateboarding. There are also several ways to enjoy skateboarding while not panicking, but here are four strategies to try out.

Begin with your first step on the grass. If you are a new skateboarder, then you should try this tip first. Starting on a patch of grass is a helpful way to understand how to use a skateboard properly.

Plus, if you happen to fall off the skateboard, you can fall on something soft. It is great to hit the grass a few times as this will give you an idea of how it feels when going to the skateboard park.

The next step that you should take when riding a skateboard is getting used to using the board itself. Not all skateboards are created equal, and you want to make you’re comfortable before you start riding around on the concrete.

On the other hand, the faster that you get familiar with your board, the faster you can progress forward when focusing on advanced tricks.

This next tip is very important, and you need to figure out how to fall correctly. To practice this tip, go to the patch of grass we mentioned in the first tip. You should also wear any safety gear for skateboarding like pads or guards that protect your wrist and knees.

Lastly, have the confidence that you’re going to nail it. The last important tip when practicing or overcoming your fear of skateboarding is having confidence in yourself. When you know the basics and how to operate a skateboard, that is all you need to know. Of course, you can always try tricks as well, but that should come last.

These are four essential tips for anyone who wants to ride or improve their skateboarding skills. There are other tips as well, like practicing with a friend or watching videos, but you should always practice yourself and have confidence that you can do it.

Does Skateboarding Relieve Stress?

To keep the answer short and sweet, skateboarding is a great stress reliever. According to a recent study, people who skateboard not only see improvements in their physical health but also their mental health.

The subjects of the study stated that they skateboard to eliminate boredom, escape from the cruelties of the real world, and use it to cope with certain emotions.

To add to this study, people who skateboard have also reported that they have a sense of achievement (something we will talk about later) as they perform tricks or learning how to operate a skateboard from other people.

Because of this, many skate parks have many individuals coming to skate. In some countries alone, over 70,000 people have been to skate parks.

From this study alone, skateboarding can help tremendously with stress. We will go over some other key things about how skateboarding relieves stress and mental health in the article.

Why Does Skateboarding Make You Happy?

why does skateboarding make you happy

Skateboarding can make you happy from quite a few factors, so let’s talk about them.

When you are riding your skateboard through a skate park or anywhere else, you can get a sense of euphoria. This could be the result of the air while gliding with the skateboard.

If you are thinking of starting a Youtube channel, you could always try to make a Youtube channel based around skateboarding. Your videos could range from simple things like basics or advanced topics like tricks.

The best part is that you can make money and help people who are interested in skateboarding as well. It’s a great way to share your passion for skateboarding.

Piggybacking back to the last topic, skateboarding has also been proven to help with mental health. Life can be tricky and hard, but don’t forget that there are ways to combat stress. Skateboarding is one of them.

You can express yourself, release any stress you have, and of course, have fun. Don’t forget about being able to listen to your favorite music too.

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Skateboarding can make anyone happy. To add to this, there are four other factors on why you should be skateboarding.

1) Skateboarding Allows You To Express Yourself

Need a way to express your style or just yourself? How about you do it at the skate park! You can show off the fancy clothing or gear that you wear when skateboarding.

There’s also the ability to show off your brand new skateboard. You could also show off your friends or other people at the skate park any tricks that you learned.

Skateboarding lets you be you, even if some people think skateboarding is nerdy (I personally don’t). So find a skateboard design that fits with your personality.

2) Skateboarding Allows You To Hang Out With Friends (And Make New Ones)

Skateboarding can be a good pastime for your friends. You could pass the time and never be bored when you are skateboarding with your friends.

Plus, you could always learn some new basics or tricks from your friends. This can up your skateboard skills. You could also make some new friends as well while at the skate park.

Making new friends can broaden your list and they could also show you things they know about skateboarding or other subjects.

3) Skateboarding Gives You A Feeling Of Accomplishment

Skateboarding also makes you feel like you accomplished something and makes you proud of yourself. When you perform tricks while on the skateboard, you can amaze or awe people any of the close-by spectators.

Related: How Hard Is Skateboarding?

You can even feel accomplished when no one is even watching you. Stateboarding makes you feel great about yourself overall.

It also gives you a feeling of accomplishment when you make new friends and learning new things to expand your skills.

Skateboarding For Relaxation And Happiness: Closing Words

As always, skateboarding can also be used for relaxation. If you need to get away from things in your life and need time to yourself, then you should consider skateboarding.

The sport gives you a feeling of happiness and can relieve you from stress. With all of this being stated, you should definitely try out skateboarding, it’s definitely worth it.