Is Journaling A Hobby (What About Bullet Journaling Too)?

Journaling is a great way to free your mind, get things off of your chest, and even enjoy your free time. But would you consider journaling to be a hobby?

Let’s talk more about that topic now.

Is Journaling A Hobby?

is journaling a hobby

Journaling is a hobby as unique as the person doing it. It can bring you a lot of enjoyment when you match your journaling to your individual personality.

Whether you enjoy filling your pages with doodles and quick notes or long paragraphs describing your day, you can find a method of journaling that brings you joy.

Is Bullet Journaling A Hobby?

Bullet journaling is a great way to combine an enjoyable hobby with personal organization. Often, the thought of keeping a schedule and staying organized can be overwhelming.

Adding the “chore” of recording in a daily journal can seem to be too much, for some people.

Bullet journaling combines all these things into a fun pastime that will have you looking forward to planning your days. Productivity becomes passion, confusion becomes creativity. In the middle of a busy life, bullet journaling can be done on the go.

Bullet journaling offers a way to jot down your thoughts, schedules, appointments, inspiring quotes – anything you want to refer to later.

When you have free time, you can add to the journal, organize things further, or embellish with art. The amount of creativity you add is up to you, and your journal/schedule can be saved for reminiscing in the future.

Why Is Journaling A Good Hobby To Have?

If there is a part of you that longs to remember things better, put pen to paper and write, or express some creativity, then consider these reasons for journaling as a hobby.

1) Journaling Is A Very Inexpensive Hobby

Journaling is an inexpensive hobby that you can begin with a simple notebook, and a pencil or pen. While more expensive options are available, there is no reason you cannot start simple.

However, a new, pretty, and empty notebook or sketchbook can be inspiring and exciting to write in. A nice pen or freshly sharpened pencil often entice you to pick them up.

If you are bored with what you have around the house, you can easily purchase something new and different to get started for less than $5.

There are also journals that have specific themes, such as travel, journals that have daily prompts to get you thinking and writing, and journals to get you out and exploring the “everyday” There are nice versions of these available for under $10 to get your pen moving.

You can also use a planner with some extra space for adding notes and doodles. The price range for these is a wide as the variety of styles. Pick one that works best for you.

Just remember to choose one that doesn’t leave you feeling restricted and gives you a place to jot down notes and thoughts from your day or week.

Journaling is an inexpensive hobby that can bring you pleasure while recording life events, making memories, or planning your schedule.

2) Journaling Allows You To Express Creativity

As you discover what you enjoy most, you can add colorful stickers, use a variety of pens, add a leather-bound planner cover, add stamps, anything that makes your hobby even more enjoyable for you.

If stickers and doodles aren’t your thing, that’s OK. Let go of any rigid rules and just go with it. Don’t worry about what the “end product” will look like or if your journal is a little messy. This is a place to put down your ideas, thoughts, and emotions as they come to you.

By being able to journal any way that you like, you are taking the first step to expressing your creativity.

Getting things “down on paper” can free your mind for more creative thoughts. Sometimes simply writing or doodling can help us to sort through all that we have jumbled in our heads. Have fun with the journals and see where your creativity takes you.

If a more structured approach is what suits you, think of a general direction, theme, or color scheme and stick with it. This is especially true if you feel you need a starting point or that you will be distracted or disappointed by a messy journal.

But remember that creativity is messy, and always have several pages available for quickly throwing down your thoughts. These pages can then later be moved to a more structured portion of your journal, in a process of bullet journaling called migration.

The key is to just get going, not think too hard, and let your creativity flow!

3) Journaling Allows For Self Growth And Improvement

Journaling allows you to reflect on the thoughts that are in your mind. It allows you to understand things about yourself that perhaps you were avoiding. Being honest and taking time to reflect is part of journaling.

Journaling, particularly bullet journaling, is an excellent way to improve your organization. If you are not one for rigid schedules and stiff calendars, try giving bullet journaling a try.

You can improve your memory, your enjoyment of schedules, and your timeliness and productivity, all by having a little fun with it.

Journaling can aid in the discovery of self and help you grow comfortable with doing things in your own creative way.

Does Journaling Count As Writing?

Journaling is a great way to practice the art of writing. We can play with words and try new things when we journal, without editing ourselves.

When we read over things later, we may notice problems or insights that we hadn’t before.

Writing in a journal allows us to get down ideas and free up our thoughts. It gets us used to the act of writing and makes it less intimidating. If you are a writer or want to be, journaling is a wonderful way to save anything and everything that could inspire a piece later.

A conversation overheard, a strange scene on the street, your feelings of gratitude after a wonderful evening with friends – practice writing them down.

Journaling Being Considered A Hobby: Final Thoughts

Hobbies bring feelings of satisfaction and are usually performed in our free time.

Journaling is a wonderful activity that can be extended and embellished in our free time but is also accessible during the busiest moments.

Journaling provides a way to record our present, review our past, and creatively choreograph our future.